Friday, January 29, 2010

Vintage Oil Portrait Example

Vintage Oil Portrait Example
Oil On Canvas
16in x 20in
(Not for sale, example only.
The price listed reflects the price of a "head and shoulders" portrait)
If interested in a portrait, feel free to contact me
This portrait was painted from a small photo over 100 years old.
We decided to not add color to keep the vintage look.
All portraits will be delivered via FedEx if you
are out of town, or out of state.
***** *
My commissioned portrait pricing starts at $2,000.00
(Head and shoulders)
For additional pricing quotes for half figure with hands,
full figure, or a detailed background, you may
e-mail me for further information.
This is an example of my oil portrait work.
I actually specialize in portraiture. I have been doing portrait
work full time since 1993. My portraits are in collections
across the U.S.
(This image was sized down for the internet.
Your portrait will NOT be blurry!!!)
To see more examples of my portrait and figurative work,
go to my web site at:
Become a "Fan" on Facebook:
To see my portrait examples and original paintings ,
please go to my web site at:
Would you like to see photos of my studio? Go to my Flickr site at:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back to work!

Well... it has been a while since I posted something new.
I had to get my house in shape. My son and his fiance
came to visit, (they live in California) and I had a LOT to do!!
I had the whole family over on Sunday. We had
a great time. Now.....back to work! I hope to be doing LOTS
of new paintings and posting them here very soon!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Does art have to be expensive?

Does art have to be expensive?
This was a question that came up in a forum I was reading today.
I was reading posts from artists that explained how the process
of making art can be very time consuming. Many people have
degrees, take special classes/workshops from well known instructors, etc. and
feel they deserve to charge more for their work. Some artists win awards,
and/or have their work in prestigous galleries and collections. This
all adds up to experience. The more experienced and talented an
artist is, if they are lucky, will have many collectors. The fact is, art, good
art, takes a lifetime of practice and hard work. Very hard work!
Many people really do not realize the hard work, money and
time artists invest in their career. So, if you see a piece of art that
you believe is overpriced, try to find out just who the artist is, and what
they have invested in their career to get where they are.
Myself, I know things are tough right now for many people. They do not
have the cash flow that they would like to buy art. Just because someone
doesn't have a lot of money, does not mean they are a person that does
not love or appreciate art. I try to have a wide variety of sizes and
prices for people to be able to afford my art if they so choose.
You can check out some of my art and prices in my Etsy store.
Thanks so much for visiting, please come back!