Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tips For Artists

One of the things I want to do this year as I posted in my last blog,
is to try to be a positive influence on the people around me. I also
want to be a positive influence to people that I "cannot" be around,
such as those that read my blog. I know there are some people, other
artists for example that would like some tips. I teach painting from
my studio, and would also like to help those here with tips they can
use. One such thing that is on every artists mind it seems, is promotion.
I spend part of my day painting, the other part promotion. I recently
came across a wonderful site that has lots and lots of links for those
that just do not know where to start. I use many of these things
myself and have found they really work! I read some new things
I want to try this coming year!
If you are interested in art news and art marketing tips in this economy
just click on this link:

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