Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mama and Baby - Sold

"Mama and Baby" - Sold

To see more of my daily paintings,etc. for sale, go to my

Etsy shop at:

I recently sold this painting from my Etsy Shop. I will be

posting new paintings more often. I will post my small

paintings here at least twice a week, with a link to my Etsy

shop. I am able to ship all over the world! It has been exciting

hearing from people from so many different places.


By the way the lady that bought my painting gave me a 100%

rating and a wonderful comment on the painting! She makes

beautiful jewelry. Her name is Kirsten Skiles and she also has an Etsy

shop. I hope you will have a look and buy something from her.

She was very nice and actually helped me with a PayPal problem

that I had. The link to her shop is:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Patti - thanks for visiting the bloggy! I love your work, and your florals are so soft and beautiful.
pughugs from Texas...